We are an all volunteer organization, completely dependent on donations and fund raisers. Unlike many Fire and First Aid organizations, we receive no funding from the municipal tax base and we never charge for our services. All donations are greatly appreciated and put to use providing emergency care for the people of New Vernon -- those who live here, those who work here and those passing through.

Please consider making a tax deductible donation the next time you receive one of our Annual Funds Drive requests or any time at your convenience by sending a check to:

New Vernon Volunteer Fire Department Fund

PO Box 143 Village Road
New Vernon, NJ 07976-0143

Or you can contribute using


Special Bequests and Gifts

If you're thinking of making a special gift, we'll be delighted to work with you on the particulars. Please contact the NVVFD President or Treasurer here.

NVVFD Fund - Tax ID and Non-Profit Status

New Vernon Volunteer Fire Department Fund is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation and is tax exempt.

Donations to NVVFD Fund qualify as deductable.

NVVFD Fund Tax ID is 47-1066943

Is NVVFD a 501(c)3?

  • Yes! While the Fire Department is a 501(c)4 fraternal non-profit, the NVVFD Fund is a 501(c)3 non-profit as specified by the IRS.
  • We often get questions about this distinction. The answer is that the IRS specifies Volunteer Fire Companies as 501(c)4, so when NVVFD was formed in 1921, that is the designation that was applied. However our newly established NVVFD Fund meets all IRS specifications for 501(c)4 charitable giving and donantions to this Fund should qualify not only for tax deductions but also for any matching grant programs you may have access to.

Are Donations Deductable?

  • Yes. According to the IRS Code for both  501(c)4's and 501(c)3's
    • "Donations to volunteer fire companies are deductible as charitable contributions on the donor’s federal income tax return, but only if made for exclusively public purposes"
    • All funds received by NVVFD and the NVVFD Fund are used exclusively for public purposes. NVVFD has no paid employees, does not lobby or participate in political process. All funds are utilized to equip, train and operate the NVVFD for it's primary purpose which is providing fire, ems and rescue services to those in our response area.
    • NVVFD does not charge for services and there is no connection between donation history and emergency responses. Indeed, NVVFD responders generally have no idea if a particular individual has donated.

Here is some further information from the IRS website:
