We're always looking for new members!

Membership is not for everyone, but it's easier to participate than you may think.  And the rewards are countless! If you're interested in membership, read the material below and Contact Us here to discuss becoming a volunteer EMT.  You won't regret it! 

Who are we?

We are volunteer EMT's, Emergency Medical Technicians, who provide pre-hospital medical care during an emergency.  It is our responsibility to provide quick and efficient basic care to those in need.  The New Vernon First Aid Squad has provided emergency care for Harding Towniship since 1974.  We are composed entirely of men and women who volunteer their time for this life-saving service.  We do not charge for our services, nor are we supported by taxes, all necessary funds are received through donations and fund-raisers.  If not for people just like you who are willing to volunteer their time, this important service could not exist.

What do we do?

We respond to medical emergencies, traffic accidents, and fires, providing immediate medical care at the scene and, if necessary, transporting the patient to Morristown Emergency Hospital, or other medical facilities.  We also work closely with hospital paramedics in some situations.

Who can join?

Our members must live or work in Harding Township, or the adjacent towns, be at least 16 years old, be reliable and in good health.

What are the duty requirements?

One 12 hour shift per week and one weekend night shift a month.  Day shifts on weekends are "scrambles"; any member who is available during a call is encouraged to respond.  The schedules are fixed, but it's easy to trade shifts or get another member of the squad to cover for you during vacations or when you are otherwise unavailable.  

Do I have to sleep at the Squad Headquarters?

No, we are notified of emergencies by a pager system.  We ask only that you stay in town during your shifts.

Do I need any medical experience?

No, once you join the Squad, you'll receive training that is certified and sponsored by the State.   These courses are offered many times a year at various times and nearby locations.   The Membership Committee of the First Aid Squad will help you find a course that is convenient and fits your needs. All members get continuous training from various sources: on our premisies, at training centers and online. Any successfully completed training course is free of cost! 

We're with you all the way!

During your training period, you will ride with an experienced crew as an observer to see how the Squad works in action.  The entire Squad prides itself on its commitment to team work and peer support.

Ready to apply?

Fill out our Online Membership Application here, or download a NVVFD Membership Application here.  Or Contact Us here to discuss becoming a volunteer EMT.  You won't regret it!