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The volunteers of the NVVFD and the people they serve all sincerely appreciate your generous donation. Your gift will be put to work immediately providing emergency services to the people of our community, those living here, those working here and those traveling through.
An writen acknowledgment of your tax deductible donation will be sent to the address you provided.
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Finance & Investment Ed Donohoe* John Olson Jr** John Olson, Sr. Brian Riley Bobbi Coulter Chris Browne Gerry Hanlon
Firemen’s Club Ward Connon* Ken Casey** FlorenceOrefice Dick Walter Kevin Flanagan Ed Donohoe Bobbi Coulter Rachel Matthews Greg Holk |
Installation Dinner MikeCherrillo* FlorenceOrefice** Heston Allocco Donna Gandy Connie Cherrillo Ed Donohoe |
Budget-Audit Chris Browne* Bobbie Coulter Ed Donohoe John Olson, Jr. Rob Sameth Mike Cherrillo Hes Allocco
Funds Drive Gail Allyn* Barbara Coulter Jim Slate John Olson, Jr. Nancy Barrett
Publicity/Website Barbara Coulter* Rob Sameth Chris Browne Jamie Carifa Pat Dugan Steve Cullis Glen Fleisher |
Social Gregg Holck* Florence Orefice Connie Cherrillo Jim Slate Mike Cherrillo Rachel Matthews
Auction John Miller* Ward Connon Mike Cherrillo Ron Young Joan Miller FlorenceOrefice Connie Cherrillo Neil Jansen Brian McCarthy
Kitchen Chris Winnow* Kevin Flanagan** Ed Donohoe Ward Connon Barbara Coulter Laura Scaff Rachel Matthews Mark Feledy Mike Cherello Greg Holk |
Sports/AAU Pat Dugan* Connor Natunen Nick Cherrillo
Visiting and Memorial Jerry Hanlon* Jon Miller
Uniforms and Parades # Jamie Carifa* Jim Geswelli Rob Samath Jim Slate Hugh Hurley |
* Denotes Committee Chair
** Co-Chair
# FD Only
2015 Department Committees / Joint Committees
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Building and Development Dick Walter* Doug Heyl** Ward Connon Faith Winow Mike Smyth Spencer Natunen Ed Donohoe Harold Thorpe Bob Schmidt Joe Nally Jim Geswelli
Steak and Lobster Gregg Holck* Ward Connon** FlorenceOrefice Connie Cherrillo Neil Jansen Jim Slate Holly Sandelands Jane Coyle Diane Bonar Chris Martin Mike Cherillo |
Vehicles & Apparatus # Craig Goss Ken Noetzli Richard Walter John Olson Jr. Jim Geswelli Jamie Carifa
Membership # Sean Marchev* Craig Goss James Geswelli Joe Longo Jamie Cariffa
100th Anniversary
Jon Miller* Florence Orefice Gerry Hanlon James Halsey William Dudley Sue Sameth Greg Holck Jack Clackworthy Hes Allocco
Water Source # Craig Goss* Jim Giswelli James Fennimore Ken Noetzli Richard Walter Sean Marchev James Slate Ward Connon
Christmas Tree Chris Winow* Ward Connon** Ken Noetzli Jane Coyle
Operation Santa Peter Finkle* William Dudley** Jerry Hanlon Jane Coyle |
By-Law Revisions Jerry Hanlon* John Olson Jr Richard Walter Gail Allyn SeanMarchev Ward Connon |
Trustees Ward Connon (FC)-Senior Richard Walter (FC)-Middle Ed Donohoe (FAS)-Juinor?
Insurance Brian Riley* John Olson Jr. Christopher Browne Jim Slate George Gibson
Event Planning /Budget? Ward Connon* Christopher Browne Gregg Holck Mark Feledy
* Denotes Committee Chair , **Co-Chair, # FD Only
New / Future Truck
Craig Goss*
Sean Marchev**
Connor Natunen
Richard Walter
John Olson Jr.
Jim Geswelli
Jamie Carifa
Ken Noetzli
Board of Governors
President: Chris Martin
Vice President: Steve Fullenkamp
Secretary: Scott Lerner
Treasurer: Chris Browne Sr
Fire Chief: Pete Finkle
First Aid Captain: Lotte Newlin
Squad Delegate: Hes Allocco
Fire Company Delegate: Rob Sameth
Senior Trustee: Joe Nally
Auxiliary: Anne Quinn
Joe Nally / Ken Casey / Sean Marchev