" Membership provided me with a renewed sense of self and a deep commitment to giving back."

from a former member



President Steve Johnson

Vice President Matt Minaian
Corresponding Secretary Gerard Hanlon
Recording Secretary William Spina
Treasurer Ed Reed
Delegate to Bd. of Gov. Sean Marchev

Fire Chief Ward Connon
Deputy Chief Scott Lerner
1st Assistant Roberto Salazar

2nd Assistant Pete Finkle

We are an all volunteer organization providing not only fire and first aid emergency response but also supporting a strong sense of community and spirit of service in New Vernon. New members are always welcome. Joining any one of the branches of the NVVFD is a great way to become involved in the community and to meet new people. To find out more about joining: 

fill out an NVVFD New Member Application here


or download a Membership Forms here


or Contact Us here to discuss becoming a New Vernon Firefighter

You won't regret it!



Our Fire Company currently comprises over 50 members, some having been members for over 50 years! We operate 2 Fire Houses and 8 emergency vehicles.

Engine 3
Engine 7
Engine 8
Engine 9



Volunteers Wanted!

New members are always welcome. Joining the Fire Company is a great way to become involved in the community and to make a difference. To find out more, click here.



 Meeting Schedules

Business meetings are held the first Wednesday each month.

Drills are every Wednesday, 7 PM at Firehouse #1 on Village Road.

Forms and Notices


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